Wednesday 16 October 2013

Generic conventions of music mastheads


A lot of music magazine mastheads are black, white or red, the magazine uses these colours because they are gender neutral colours so they appeal to both male and females. Some magazines use the colour to show what genre of music the magazine is about for example RWD has used a mix of different colours which could suggest that the magazine has an urban or dance feel about it.Also NME have used red white and black as they are colours that are connected to the rock genre.The font used is very simplistic so that it stands out and is easily recognisable. The fact that the font is simple means that it doesn’t draw to much attention away from all the other features. The Masthead name is usually Something that has a connection to either music or sound or possibly both, for example KERRANG is a sound that could be made when creating music and Q relates to queuing, as in the next song in line ready to play. Also the masthead name relates to the type of genre that the magazine is, KERRANG suggests that the genre of the magazine is rock as that sound would usually be made when playing rock music. Rap-up suggests that the genre of the magazine is rap as it has used the word ‘rap’, and the masthead mixmag suggests that there isn’t a set genre for that magazine that there’s all different types of genres. The mastheads are usually very short so that they are easily recognisable and easy to remember, some of them have even been shortened to give them or a more modern feel, for example Q used to be 'Que' but to make it more modern and appeal to more people they shortened it to just Q which makes it a more appealing masthead.

Monday 14 October 2013

Questionnaire results


I have decided to create a magazine that is aimed at both females and males; the genre of the magazine is going to be hip-hop as that was one of my top choices. The colour scheme of my magazine is going to be red, white and black as that was the most popular choice. My magazine is going to have a range of different features and feature some hip-hop artists. The price of the magazine is going to be £0-£2; this was the amount that people would be most willing to pay. People would be likely to buy the new magazine if it was advertised on TV and online. My magazine will also include free posters/free giveaways as people are more likely to buy the magazine if it comes with free content. From my results you can see that people are most likely to buy a magazine from a supermarket or news agents.

Friday 11 October 2013


Representation of Florence Welch

In the image you it looks like Florence isn’t really wearing any clothes which suggests the she has a playful side to her. Also because she is exposed it means that she has nothing to hide and she isn’t bothered about covering up, so she is willing to let the readers in to see the real her. It also suggests that she has a sense of purity, suggesting to the readers that she is pure and there isn’t anything that’s fake about her.
Facial expression
She has a very serious expression her face which suggests that she is serious about her music career and wants to do well. Although she has a serious face she also looks a bit seductive, which suggests that she has a cheeky and playful side to her personality. The seductiveness is also attracting the readers in, and drawing them to look at her.
Florence has her hands touching her face which suggests that she has an innocent and pure side about her which contradicts her seductive edgy side that she has. This shows that she has a lot of different personality traits. And that her personality shines through her music as well. By touching her face Florence is drawing attention to her face, so she wants to attract the readers and wants then to look at her face and focus on it.
Framing and shot type
Q has used a close up shot of Florence, so the readers can focus on her facial expression. The close up shot used suggests that she likes people to get close to her and is willing to let the readers get to know her. The shot also suggests that she is an intimate person and that she wants the readers to feel like they can be intimate with her. She is in the centre of the image yet there is no background all you can see is her, this suggests that she likes to be the centre of attention and that she doesn’t mind people looking at her, so her confidence. Comes across
Hair and makeup
Florence’s hair stands out in the cover it is very big and retro, this suggests that she has a retro style and that she likes to stand out. Her big hair represents who is as a person and her personality, it suggests that everything she does she likes to do big and shock people by it and that she has a big personality which is able to shine through to people. It also suggests that her music is big and that she is confident about it. She has a lot of eye makeup which stands out and draws attention to her eyes which suggests that she is glamorous and she likes to make a statement, also she wants to draw attention to her eyes so the readers feel like they are connected with her. Her eye makeup is mostly blue which connotes strength and intelligence, so her makeup suggests that her strength and intelligence is able to be recognised within herself and her music. The colour blue also connotes peace and trust, the intense use of the blue eye makeup suggests that she has a sense of peacefulness about her and that she is trustworthy. She wants the readers to be able to trust her and be able to connect with her. She has dark red nail polish; the colour red connotes love and passion, so the use of red nail polish suggests that she has a love and passion for her music and her fans. And that she also has a loving personality
There isn’t any use of props, which suggests that Florence wants that readers to focus on her, and that she doesn’t let anything distract her or get in the way of her or her music career.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Research into contents pages and double page spreads


Representation of Eminem



Eminem is wearing a black vest top in the image; the colour black suggests that he has a dangerous and mysterious side to him. By wearing a vest top it means that his arms are exposed so that you can see all of his tattoos, and his muscular figure, this suggests that he doesn’t like to be fully covered and he is willing to open up to the readers and let them into his world. Also because he has his arms out the readers sense that he is showing off, so he may have this sort of side to him. He is wearing a cross necklace which suggests that he is religious and wants the readers to know this. The necklace is fully on show, so he is proud of his faith and doesn’t want to hide it.

 Facial expression
Eminem has a very stern look on his face, suggesting that he has a serious personality; it also suggests that he is serious about the music industry and his own music. Although he has a stern look, he looks very confident as he is looking directly at the reader, which suggests that he is a confident person who isn’t likely to shy away and that he is confident about his music.

He is stood upright in the image, so the readers get a sense of confidence about him. He has his arm crossed which also suggests that he is confident; it also suggests that he is an authoritative/intimidating person. Although the readers may not feel intimidated by him, it suggests that his competition within the music industry is intimidated by him as they feel like he is a major threat. The fact that he has his arms crossed could mean that he has an aggressive side, which he is able to show through his music. Another reason he has his arms crossed is to show his masculinity.

 Framing and shot type
A medium shot has been used so that the readers are able to focus on his facial expression and his body language. It may have also been used to suggest that Eminem doesn’t want to give a lot away he wants to remain a bit covered up and mysterious. He is in the centre of the frame which suggests that he likes to be the centre of attention and that he wants all eyes on him. Also he doesn’t want people to stray away from him and his music.

Hair and makeup
His hair is very simplistic which suggests that he isn’t that bothered about his appearance, and that he is more focused on other aspects of himself like his music and faith. He isn’t wearing any makeup in the image which suggests that he likes to remain masculine at all times. It also suggests that he likes to remain pure and that there is nothing that’s fake about him, everything you get with him is real.

Although the cross necklace isn’t really a prop its part of costume it suggests that he is a strong believer and likes to be proud of this.

Wednesday 9 October 2013


Representation of Lily Allen

Lily Allen isn't wearing very much in the image; this suggests that she has a cheeky and playful side to her. Also the fact that she has her top half is exposed suggests that she is seductive, so she appeals to males as well as women. Her bottom half is completely covered up, so although she comes ac cross as cheeky and playful she also has a shyness and mysterious about her. She is wearing black tights, black has a sense of mystery and danger, all of this suggests that she and her music is cheeky, playful and mysterious.
 Facial Expression
In the image you can’t really see much of her face as its covered by her hair and shoulder, so it comes across like she has a shyness about her. However what you can see of her face is that she has a seductive facial expression to draw the reader in. although she looks seductive the fact that she is hiding a lot of her face gives her a sense of mysterious which makes her intriguing for the readers.
Lily Allen is stood upright in the image which suggests that she is very confident with herself; she has her hand on her hip which also suggests that she is confident and shows her feminine side. She is stood with her back towards us, but she has turned her head around so she is looking directly at the reader. The pose suggests that she is a bit of a ‘tease’ as she has her hand up to her mouth and is biting her finger as she is attracting the readers in. Because she has her back to the reader it suggests that Lily Allen is a mystery and doesn’t want to reveal all of her yet, she likes to remain a mystery, so her pose reflects her personality.
Framing and shot type
Q used a long shot which helps to emphasise her body language so the readers get an idea of what she is like. The long shot shows her cheeky, seductive, mysterious side, but her shyness as well. The longshot helps the readers either be attracted to her and her personality or be able to relate to it She is in the centre which suggests that she like to be the centre of attention and she wants all eyes on her.
Hair and make-up
Lily Allen has dark straight hair, the dark hair suggests that she is mysterious and there is a sense of danger about her, it is also very neat which suggests that she trying to cover up the sense of danger about her. She has very naturalistic makeup, so she looks quite simple, however her eye makeup is very dark which attracts the reader to her eyes, so although she has the top half of her body exposed she wants the readers to look directly into her eyes and look past the nakedness. The dark eye makeup also shows her mysterious side.
There are two panthers stood either side of her, the panthers suggest that she Lily Allen is a very fierce and feisty character. The fact that she has two panthers either side of her suggests that no matter how much danger she is in she is not afraid of anything, she can defend herself. So even if she was to get attacked by anyone or anything she is not going to let it hurt her, or get to her she is able to stay strong and confident. Panthers are black which suggests that Lily Allen is dangerous yet mysterious in many ways, throughout her personality and music.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Generic conventions, representation and analysis of two music magazines

Generic conventions
Generic conventions